Dear Basketball,
From the moment
I started rolling my dad’s tube socks
And shooting imaginary
Game-winning shots
In the Great Western Forum
I knew one thing was real:
I fell in love with you.
A love so deep I gave you my all —
From my mind & body
To my spirit & soul.
As a six-year-old boy
Deeply in love with you
I never saw the end of the tunnel.
I only saw myself
Running out of one.
And so I ran.
I ran up and down every court
After every loose ball for you.
You asked for my hustle
I gave you my heart
Because it came with so much more.
I played through the sweat and hurt
Not because challenge called me
But because YOU called me.
I did everything for YOU
Because that’s what you do
When someone makes you feel as
Alive as you’ve made me feel.
You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream
And I’ll always love you for it.
But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer.
This season is all I have left to give.
My heart can take the pounding
My mind can handle the grind
But my body knows it’s
对于 80、90 这代球迷来讲,科比的意义基本就等同于 NBA。虽然同为 96 黄金一代的艾弗森、坎比、马布里、雷·阿伦、纳什都创造了无数辉煌,但至今仍然征战 NBA 的只有科比,近 20 个年头的职业生涯已经非常惊人,有人曾统计过在这段时间当中,已经有超过四千名 NBA 球员因为各种原因结束了自己的职业生涯。
科比 2016年,37岁科比终于要告别NBA赛场,科比谢幕战于4月14日打响,科比迎来职业生涯最后一战(湖人VS爵士),科比50投22中,狂砍60分,其中三分21投6中,还包括4板4助1抢1盖的完美数据,率领湖人15分逆转爵士,上演完美告别战。赛后,2016年4月14日斯台普斯中心球场,科比正式宣布退役。